Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One year, part two

One year ago today I found out that we were adding not one, but two more little beetles to our family. After finding out our prayers had been answered and we were going to make Ben a big brother (One year, part One), I spent the next two weeks anxiously awaiting our ultrasound where we would hopefully hear one sweet heartbeat. While I was blissfully happy after finding out I was pregnant, I was also a bit of a nervous wreck. Even though my doctor and nurses did their best to reassure me that this looked like a healthy pregnancy, part of me was so worried that our dreams could collapse at any second.

I anxiously awaited the big day. It helped that we spent the week before the ultrasound in Canada on vacation with Chris' family. We shared our happy news with Grammie C, Grampie J, Auntie Kathryn and Uncy J and let them know that they were going for round two in their grandparent and aunt/uncle duties. As the trip went on the fam (I think it was Chris's dad and brother in particular) started wondering if perhaps I was baking more than one bun in the oven because they had never seen me pack away so much food! I assured everyone that I just "knew" there was only one sweet little babe in there (shows how much I know!).

The day of the ultrasound, Chris and I headed into the appointment. I was so nervous and wanted nothing more than to see a healthy little heartbeat flickering away on the screen. The nurse came in first and explained what the doctor would be looking for (I think she said the baby would like like a grain of rice). She left and it felt like forever before the doctor arrived. He spent the first hour few minutes checking things out, not saying much. This also felt like forever and I finally asked him if the baby was ok. After a few seconds, he replied "well, there they are. You've got twins in there." I started crying immediately. I had hoped and prayed to see one little heartbeat and could hardly believe it when there were two. Chris had the biggest smile and was definitely the calmer of the two of us. We met with the doctor afterwards, he gave us a bit of information on twins, said congratulations and released me to my regular OB. After spending so much time in and out of that office it felt strange to say good bye.

We started our list of phone calls as soon as we got back to the car. Our closest family and a couple friends knew we were having the ultrasound that morning and everyone was waiting for an update to hear how the baby looked. We called my mom first...I think the first words out of my mouth were: "We just got a really good buy one get one special, we're having twins!" She started crying and then I started crying and so it went. Chris' parents were next, Carol said "we knew it!" My dad had been in a meeting and when I finally was able to tell him he was going to be a papa x2 he was very quiet and said "where are you going to find room to put all those babies?" I thought he meant in our house, but he was worried about me and how my belly would carry two babies. Our siblings were next on the list, it was so much fun to share the news with them. Finally, I called my dearest friend Katie, who has twins herself. I could tell she was waiting for my call and when she answered, I told her "well, looks like I am going to be needing A LOT of advice from you!" She knew right away what that meant and of course lots of happy screaming, laughing and crying followed (Chris still isn't sure how either of us understood what the other said during that conversation, but we did!)

We spent the next days so incredibly happy. We contemplated when we would tell Ben that not only was he going to be a big brother, but he was going to be a big brother to TWO babies. We ended up telling him the following week. I will never forget when he got to make his OWN twin announcement. Our good friends the Smiths came over for dinner. They also happened to be expecting their first baby and knew we had been hoping to add to our family for some time. Chris told them we had very good news to share and that I was expecting. I leaned down and whispered to Ben to tell them how many babies we were having. He held up two little fingers and yelled "TWO BABIES!" If you can't guess, more tears followed!

One year ago today, I fell in love with my sweet babies. My only hope was to give Ben the gift of a sibling, to give him two was an amazing blessing. February 6th, 2012 will always be remembered...I think my heart swelled to twice it's size when I "saw" my sweet Sammie and Harper "rice" for the first time.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Little Girl

First she was serenaded by her dad's ukulele and then she fell fast asleep in his arms. I think this one's got him wrapped around her tiny little finger:)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hello February (or goodbye January)

January has come and gone. We had a busy end to the month with Ben's fifth birthday party, lots of school tours (can you believe Ben will start kindergarten in the fall? I can't!), doctor appointments and scurrying about in frigid temps!

We've toured three elementary schools so far. Elementary school enrollment is different in St. Paul compared to what Chris and I remember as children. We basically had two options, your public neighborhood school or the local private school. We are blessed to have many wonderful options in St. Paul. At the tender age of five, Ben could begin a foreign language in a Mandarin, French or Spanish immersion school, start studying "aerospace," global studies or begin a classical education. We have been impressed by all of the schools we've toured so far. We have a couple more to go, but are confident our oldest Beetle will thrive wherever he ends up. It helps that at this age kids are like sponges and our little sponge has been busy soaking up whatever he can in preschool. In fact this week he was telling us all about "Adusa" (Medusa, as in the Greek mythological monster with snakes for hair). I kid you not this child had the whole story down. Right down to the ahem, severed head and turning the king into stone by her gaze. It was pretty hilarious to hear his rendition!

Speaking of schools, apparently college has been a topic for the preschoolers this week. On Fridays his teachers send home a note, recapping the week. Today his teacher wrote that one of Ben's classmates told him he would have to live at the college, he apparently doesn't like that idea too much and said "I am definitely living at home!" I tried to explain that mom and dad met some of their best friends at college and that we lived with them in the dorms, he didn't understand and kept insisting that Chris always lived with Grampie J and Grammie C and I always lived with Grammie and Papa K.

Ben had his five year old well child check and kindergarten appointment this week as well. He was quite shy at the appointment. His pediatrician was trying to ask him what his favorite foods were, to which he responded with a shrug and glance my way. She then tried a different approach and asked him "what would you say if your mom told you that you could have anything you want to eat?" My sweet boy responded with a simple "Please." I don't think that is what she was looking for, but it was pretty adorable. Our big guy weighed in at 39 pounds and was 41 inches tall. He pretty much seems like a giant, given I can look at him and still see him as a newborn. He is healthy as a horse and has come a long way since all of his ear, sinus and allergy troubles.

Last weekend we had quite the adventure with a celebration of Ben's fifth birthday. A number of his classmates and neighbor friends joined in for some jumping at a local indoor bouncy house park. The kids had a blast. It was so fun to see them all interact together, there is just something about kids talking to each other that shows off their little personalities.

Our littlest beetles are changing by the day. They seem to be getting bigger by the minute. Harper is up to 12 lbs 13 ounces. Her weight gain has always been a little bit slower than Sam's, so I asked to have her weighed while we were at the clinic for Ben's appointment. We didn't weight the Sam-Cake because there is NO WORRY at all about him packing on the pounds ;)  

The babies are five months old now and speaking of personalities we are really seeing them develop more and more. Harper is such a happy little thing. We can look at her from across the room and that is enough to elicit a little giggle. She is also QUITE the little talker. When she gets going, watch out! I have started to see the babies interact with each other a little more as well. For the most part they have just sort of co-existed next to each other but never really paid much attention to the other little being who always happened to be at their side. But just the other day, Harper started on one of her squawking streaks while laying next to Sam. It was almost as though she was trying to tell him something SO important, she just kept carrying on and on and in typical Sam fashion he just stared at her with a furrowed brow as though he was thinking "wow, really?" (or on the other hand, maybe he was thinking "am I going to have to put up with this for the rest of my life?") I have started to get the hang of tandem nursing (sort of) and it is pretty sweet to look down and see them holding hands while they eat! They also hold onto whatever is available to them while getting ready for bath. Tonight Sam had Harper's knee in his little hand and he wasn't letting go for anything! Sam is still the serious of the two, he prefers to sit back and take things in. I joke that Harper does enough talking for the two of them. His babbles are low and quiet where Harper's are high pitched and loud. His laughter is that of an old man chuckle.

Sam is adjusting to life in his helmet. The first few days were a little rough going, but he now tolerates it pretty well. We had our first follow-up appointment and they adjusted it a bit so it doesn't fall down his forehead as much which helps. It has gotten so I am more used to seeing him with the helmet on, so that when it is off something seems to be amiss. We're still hoping this will be a short lived time for our little guy. 

And last but not least, it is very cold here in MN. I don't really have much else to say about that except I am {very} ready for warmer temps to find us again. 

Ben and his goofy gumball playdough machine.

Cousins and best pals at the pirate party.

"Ah yes, I have solved the mystery of the jump-a-roo!"
Harper, perpetually surprised by life.
Goofy girl.

How about those chins?!

Helmet free for a bit! Feels so good!
Baby blues.
Nothing better than a thumb.

H&S - five months.