Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hello December!

The three little beetles are busy welcoming the winter months and holiday season!

Like most holidays, Ben is ready to embrace all things Christmas - thus our tree, garland and Christmas lights have been up for several days now! We also welcomed our very own "Elf on the Shelf" yesterday. I swore up and down I would never invite one of these little guys into the house, but seeing how crazy Ben went over St. Patrick's day and all things leprechauns, I felt like I would be jipping him on something if we didn't provide him the "Elf Experience." The little dude arrived after bath last night by ringing the doorbell as only an elf would (over and over again in a crazy, maniac like pattern). As expected, Ben has fully embraced the elf, naming him "Elfie" and pretty much hasn't stopped talking about him since his arrival. This means mama has to get creative with what mischief the little guy can get into each night...luckily there are lots of good ideas all over the Internets. 

We visited Santa and took a sleigh ride over Thanksgiving weekend. The magic of Christmas is very much with Ben - he asked me if the sleigh might take off for a few minutes because "the reindeer can really fly, right mama?" Santa was so sweet and patient with our three little beetles and made a very big to do about how he has been watching Ben all year be a very good big brother to Harper and Sam and what an important job he has to be a big brother to not one, but two babies. We watched our oldest boy stand a little taller when the big man shared this observation. 

We also had our first big Minnesota snow of the year. Good thing more will be coming in the next couple days because Ben was so excited, and insisted on going out for just a few minutes before soccer practice to try and build a snow man. The base is ready and waiting for more additions tomorrow! Harper and Sam seemed to enjoy the snow, too and especially like the first few steps outside when they realize the white stuff is falling from the sky!
Lots more fun to be had the rest of the month, experiencing the holidays (snow and all) through the eyes of our little beetles certainly adds magic to this time of year!

Sleigh bells ring

Santa 2013 - H&S 15 months, Ben five years
Isn't the snow great, Harper? - Ben 5 years, Harper 15 months

Learning to walk in the snow is tricky business - Sam 15 months

Snow bunnies - H&S 15 months

6 months of Beetle Life

Somehow 6 months have slipped away without a post - summer in Minnesota will keep do that to you!  Hot summer days have left us and the snow is falling now. We spent lots of time outside during the dog days of summer, celebrated first birthdays and became proud kindergartner parents!

Sibling love and one of the first times standing -  H&S 10 months, Ben 5 years
Lunch time laughs - H&S 10 months
Fun in the sun at Auntie Amy and Uncle Jason's - Sam 10.5 months

Bathing Beauty - Harper 10.5 months

7 years anniversary celebrated

Fun family pictures taken by the talented Jamie Stoia on one of the only 90+degree MN days this summer (notice the rosy cheeks!)
Yoga camp for the oldest beetle - Ben five years

Sweet dimpled Sam smiles - 11.5 months

Harper giggles - 11.5 months

Hot summer evenings - H&S 11.5 months

One year old birthday babies

Our sweet kindergarten boy - Ben 5 years
Proud daddy on first day of kindergarten

Harper and Ben (or "Bob" as she calls him!) happy to be reunited after school - Harper 12.5 months, Ben 5 years
Messes Made - Harper 12 months
Cheering for big brother at fall soccer - Harper 12 months
Early nostalgia setting in - School BBQ, Ben 5 years
First steps - Harper 13 months
Pumpkin patching and apple picking with Grammie K - H&S 13.5 months, Ben 5 years

Taking advantage of two babies in diapers with tower building - Ben five years

Halloween Puppies and Red Power Ranger - H&S 14 months, Ben 5 years

Fun with good friends - H&S 15 months, Ben 5 years

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Nine Month Update and Summer is Finally Here!

Once again I am running a little behind updating and since this is serving as a memory book for the kids I better get on it!

Summer has finally arrived in Minnesota and we are taking full advantage of the warm weather. This includes near nightly sprinkler runs and water balloon fights. With Ben, not the babies (yet). Bennie officially graduated from preschool and is getting ready to be a big kindergartner in the fall. He is still pretty much the best big brother we could ever ask for and is enjoying being able to play a bit more with his brother and sister.

Harper and Sam are busy crawling all over the place and into and out of everything they can. They are also enjoying lots of new foods and like big brother are very good eaters. They had a great nine month check up (no shots, yay!) The Harpster came in at 16 lbs 4 oz and not so little brother Sammie weighs 17 lbs 5 oz. They both are growing so well, you could never tell what little peanuts they were when they were born. Harper is definitely more weary of new faces than Sam. She likes having mom near by. She also makes her presence known, she is the more talkative of the two. I often wonder if Sam gets tired of her squawking but so far he seems to be handling her chatter quite well. Speaking of Sam, he has mastered the art of clapping and does it every chance he can get. His claps are accompanied by a great big dimpled, two baby teeth smile that is quite adorable. Harper is trying to keep up with her brother and almost has the clap mastered, but mostly smacks her fists together in a self fist bump sort of fashion.

We had lots of fun during the spring months and took a trip to beautiful Costa Rica for Jason and Kathryn's wedding. This was such a wonderful time and in order to do it justice, will get it's very own post.

Our last couple months looked like this:

twin love

first time in the swing

moustache ben at school carninval

brother love

tiger ben, courtesy of our wonderful baby-sitter, Hannah

happy girl


last day of preschool
this girl loves her crackers

Morning after sleeping through the night!!

super soaker battle

bath time babies
sweet sammie

mom and dad, don't look half bad for 10 months of sleepless nights!
look at that face!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Spring (or winter, take your pick) updates!

If my frequency (or lack) of updates is a barometer for how busy our household has become, I would say it is pretty darn accurate! The last couple months have brought lots of changes for our three little ones (unfortunately for mom and dad one of those changes does not include more sleep!)

Harper and Sam are becoming more mobile by the day. Sam is the busier of the duo. The old jump-a-roo is taking a beating from our little guy. You can hear him banging around in that thing from all over the house. He seems to understand what he is doing as well. I can ask him to jump and he gets a big smile on his face and proudly takes on my challenge. He can quickly cover the living room by rolling and scooting around in a matter of seconds. He is not crawling quite yet but I predict that will happen any day now. In the last week or so he has started to push himself up onto hands and knees. If he catches me watching him he gives me one of his signature bashful smiles and then quickly splays back out onto his belly. Harper is starting to do a lot more rolling but is more content to hang out on her back and hold toys above her face. I think she is realizing that she needs to act quickly if she wants to get first dibs on the favorite toys, so she is starting to scooch herself around to keep up with little brother. Both babies are sitting up proud and strong, although they aren't that great at bracing themselves from the inevitable falls that happen when they become captivated by the previously mentioned favorite toys. The increased mobility is making my job as paparazzi more difficult to catch them both in the same shot, but I do my best.

For how active these guys are during the day you would think they would need a bit more sleep (or maybe that's me...yup, pretty sure it's me who needs more sleep). Harper and Sam treated us to the coveted "sleeping through the night" at around four months or so. We aren't sure what happened (maybe it's because she thinks I am so awesome that she needs to just check in a couple times each night) but that whole sleeping through the night thing just isn't happening for Harper anymore (which means it isn't happening for her brother either). Napping has also been a struggle for the last couple months, making for one worn out mama. I am hoping some fresh air will help encourage more restful sleep (once spring finally decides to make an appearance in MN).

Our little pair had their six month check up mid March. My mom accompanied me to the visit (because hey, two times the shots means two times the crying, means two times the snuggles, right?) My mom and I saw a very "twin moment" at this visit. Harper had her immunizations first. My mom had her pretty well settled down when Sam let out his own shot induced blood curdling scream. As soon as Sam started crying, Harper started up again almost worse than when she received her own shots. It was almost as though she felt the pain all over again when Sam started crying. Very sweet but hard on mom and grandma.

The babies pediatrician is thrilled with their development (by the way Sam graduated from his helmet around this time as well and has a beautiful round little head!), as well as their weight gain. While the babies weren't born all that early for multiples, they were quite small for their gestational age. I'm proud to say they are both now on the regular growth curve (the one that is not adjusted for premies). Sammie clocked in at 15 lbs 12 oz and 26.2 inches, which is right around the 12th percentile. Harper came in at 14 lbs 8 oz and 25.2 inches long, which is about the 13th percentile. Both babies still love the mama milk. And for having as many issues as I did getting started breastfeeding two tiny babies while recovering from quite the birth, I am proud to say we're still going strong seven months in. Sam is digging the baby food and Harper is coming around to it as well.

Bennie continues to be a favorite for both Harper and Sam. In fact I am pretty sure he is their favorite person in the world. Harper will sometimes just look at Ben and start cracking up. If they are fussy he can cheer them up in no time. Our oldest Beetle is currently fascinated with all things pirates and ninjas. We took a trip to the Wild Rumpus bookstore this week and he walked right up to the clerk and asked where her pirates books were located (after checking out the free roaming chicken and caged chinchillas, of course). My little animal lover had quite the story to tell after a mallard pair came back to visit us. Last year at this time they were walking right up to our front stoop for their morning breakfast of Chex cereal and water. Unfortunately this year they came back and Mother Nature has been a little crazy. The mama duck laid an egg in our back yard but a snow storm came shortly after and the duck parents haven't been back. Ben still thought it was pretty neat and we're all hoping they come back for a visit once it warms up. He's getting ready to wrap up his last year in preschool and was so proud of his graduation announcement that came home in his binder. He's starting to share a little bit of worries about heading off to kindergarten in the fall, but I know he'll settle in well, especially since one of his neighbor buddies will be at the same school. I should also note that Ben has encouraged us to get our basement cleared out (for some reason this has been pretty low on the priority list lately). One night he selected "cleaning the basement" as his bedtime activity...I think he is ready for another home improvement project. His other favorite activities include living room dance parties with mom and dad (I think we might provide some pretty good entertainment for the cars driving by our home around 7:30 or so) and painting his lemonade stand (our little entrepreneur in the making is already contemplating what other drinks he can sell "in case all the peoples don't like lemonade"). Oh and how can I forget that the entire month of March was dedicated to designing and setting leprechaun traps (which included a fair amount of YouTube research). I am pretty sure St. Patrick's day is Ben's new favorite holiday (which meant Chris and I spent St. Patrick's eve dying our backyard snow green and leaving little green hats near the many traps that were set up in our kitchen and living room!)

And it wouldn't be an update without some new pictures. I think I need to get my hands on one of those fancy cameras that can take like 60 pictures in a minute or I might never catch these busy kiddos of mine in action!

My MN Twins!

Harper all dressed up

Reading Hello Magazine from Cousin Helen

Another favorite activity, picture taking!

Harper and her newly discovered "cheese face"

Brothers hanging out
A little snow can't stop us!

Sporting the adorable copy + paste onesies from my friend Nicole

Sweet crocheted hats (also from Nicole!)

Checking out the Mill City Museum

Happy babies with their tired mama!

Getting out and about!