Friday, June 29, 2012

26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: + 27 lbs

Babies: The little ones are about the size of a head of a lettuce (images from ) Average size for babies in the 26th week is 1.5-2.5 lbs. The two little Beetles seem to be measuring right on track. We had a level II US (an US that is very detailed and involves lots of measurement as well as a close look at both babies hearts) about a week ago and baby A measured 1 lb 14 ounces and baby B measured 1 lb 13 ounces.

 Belly: Well, it's there. The baby belly is measuring as though I am 31 weeks pregnant with a single baby, so about five weeks ahead which I think is right on track. It um, gets in the way sometimes. Like yesterday. When it crashed into Ben. I can't help it, he's at the same height as the baby belly and I can't see my feet let alone a little person who is under it.


Sleep: Not too shabby. Up a few times to use the ladies room and then back to sleep for the most part. Lots of flipping from side to side, but all in all, not too bad.

Best moment this week: The best moment of the week was sort of a double edged sword. Because it came coupled with some of the worst news of the week. To give some back story, the babies think that they must be missing out on what's going on outside of my belly because they've been threatening to meet us early. About four weeks ago I just wasn't feeling right and noticed pretty frequent contractions. I tried the usual things, laying on my side and drinking water, but after they didn't let up and were coming pretty regularly I called my OB and they asked me to come into labor and delivery for monitoring. They discovered I was contracting every three minutes, but luckily was not making any change to my cervix. This was reassuring. I took the next day off of work, went back to my regular routine and my OB planned to monitor me closely. 

At 24 weeks+5 days Dr. C. ran a test called fFN (fetal fibronectin). Basically as I understand it, fFN is usually only present when labor is close. At 24 weeks, we really wanted a negative result. A negative result is highly accurate and gives reassurance (like 99+% reassurance) that labor will NOT occur in two weeks. Well, mine tested positive. This was concerning, but we had to keep in mind that the predictive value of a positive result was not as high as that of a negative, meaning labor might happen but is not a given. At this time, my cervix was nice and long with no signs of dilation, so this was a very good sign. As a precaution I received steroid shots two days in a row to begin speeding up the lung development of the babies in case they came early. I was also placed on modified bed rest, with the hope that I could perhaps return to work after some rest if the test came back negative when it was repeated two weeks later. 

So fast forward to the best and worst moment of the 26th week. During my time resting after the first positive result I felt very good at home, I was convinced my repeat test would be negative, my cervix still unchanged and I'd get permission to return to work. When I saw Dr. C. on Monday of this week the good news was that my cervix still had good length to it (in a twin pregnancy this is very important). So there was the good moment. Unfortunately, that moment lasted exactly that long- a moment. After telling me the good news, Dr. C told me the not so good news. I am now dilated (not good in a twin pregnancy). He repeated the fFN test and told me not to hold my breath for a negative result (of course it was positive). At this point I am on bedrest at home, trying to do what I can to keep babies safe for several more weeks. I'll go back to see my doctor on Monday and if there is further change there is good chance I will be admitted to the hospital where they can be more aggressive with stopping the intermittent contractions that are occurring.

I am focusing on the positive and trying to listen to that voice in my head that is telling me everything is going to be ok. For some reason, I just feel like these babies are staying put for the long haul (denial? maybe, but it's helping me cope so for now I'll take it!) I am in very good hands with Dr. C and I know he'll do everything he can to keep me and the babies safe. In the mean time if you want to send some good thoughts our way, we'll happily take them!

Movement: Tons! These little ones are wild. I think they are practicing to keep up with their big brother.

Food cravings: Hmmm, I will eat just about anything and everything these days. The one thing I seem to want the most is donuts. I think I could eat them everyday. I really wish there was still a Krispy Kreme around here. Oh that and cucumbers in vinegar (not together with the donuts though). We were over at my mom and dad's last weekend to celebrate a belated father's day, as well as Chris and my dad's birthdays. For me cucumbers and onions in vinegar is a summer staple. In fact it signifies summer for me. I mentioned this to my dad and off he went to the grocery store to get the fixings. It was delicious and I think I have craved it every days since then.

Gender: Still a surprise...sort of. I have ultrasounds a lot...usually once a week. Every nurse, tech and doctor is forewarned before they get the ultrasound wand near me that baby Bradleys are to remain a surprise until D day. Well in the last two weeks we've had one nurse in labor and delivery refer to baby A as a girl. She quickly retracted her words when I looked up at her and said, Girl? I got a quick history lesson on how girls usually have higher heart rates and when she sees a baby on the monitor beating faster than 150, she automatically assumes the baby is a girl. Not sure I buy it, but in an effort to keep the suspense going I'll give her a pass. Then last week at the Level II US the tech referred to both babies as she or her, but it was so quick that I can't be sure she wasn't just saying it out of habit. We will see. I still have a feeling both babies are boys.

Labor Signs: Unfortunately, yes (see above)

What I miss: My feet?

What I am looking forward to: My appointment on Monday where I hopefully hear there has been no progress and I am not dilated any further! Also, one of my dearest friends from college just moved closer. She has been at least 1.5 hours away for the last 5 or so years while her husband has been in residency and now she's back "home!" I can't wait to see her more often!

Milestones: Every day feels like a milestone at this point. We are so very grateful for each day these two beetles stay put. We can't wait to meet them, but not until there good and ready!!

Life Changing

January 20th, 2008 will go down in history as the day we found our lives changed forever. On that VERY cold winter evening we met our first little Beetle, Ben. Speaking of beetles, I'm still not sure where the nickname came from, all I know is it is one of about 4,000 other nicknames that seemed to stick around. I think it evolved from us thinking he was sooooo little when he was born and Beetle sort of rhymed with little and so he became our little Beetle.

Ben may not be so little anymore. In fact he is a big boy now, a very busy 4 year old with a huge personality. When I look at him today, I can still vividly picture a tiny, wrinkled baby with a full head of dark black hair. He was the one who made me a mama first. He filled my heart with a love that I didn't know was possible. Over the last four years he has filled our house with laughter and memories I never want to forget. And now that he's about to be a big brother I figured what better time to start recording all of those stories. 

If you ask Ben about being a big brother, he'll likely respond with two little words. It might go something like this:

Family member, cashier, neighbor (you name it, he'll tell you): "So, Ben you're going to be a big brother?"

Ben: TWO babies!

That's right folks. Two more little beetles are being added to the Bradley bunch. And big big brother Ben couldn't be more excited. We're not really sure how long that excitement will last once these little ones make their way home...he might think differently when those babies are busy you know, being babies which will inevitably involve some crying and stealing a bit of mom and dad's attention. But I'm pretty sure once he figures he can't put them back in mama's big old tummy, he'll do just fine. As for mom and dad, we couldn't be happier to add two more little loves to the family. And if they are anything like their big brother, our home will be busy...very, very busy...and loud, very, very loud. And we wouldn't have it any other way. 

So check back in from time to time. If anything, it will provide some good entertainment as you watch us stumble through this journey that is certain to be full of lots of joy and definitely some unchartered territory!