Sunday, November 25, 2012

Eight Weeks

By the time Harper and Sam turned eight weeks we were starting to discover their little personalities more and more. We started to decipher what the different cries might mean, and what might soothe one baby but not the other. Some semblance of routine was starting to emerge, but the second we thought to ourselves: "ok, we've got this, we can do this, this twin thing isn't all that hard," it was as though they were plotting and the very next day our confidence would be shaken and they would despise all of our magic tricks that worked just the day prior! But, all kidding aside, at around eight weeks we started feeling like we were swimming through twin parenting (albeit maybe the stroke was doggy paddle) instead of frantically trying to keep our heads above water.

At eight weeks, Harper is content to hang out and take in all that is going on around her. You'll often find her with eyebrows raised, as though she is surprised by everything she is seeing. For the most part, she is a very smiley baby, hence her new nickname: "Happy." When she smiles, her whole face lights up, eyes and nose crinkle with joy and it appears she uses all of her effort to turn her mouth into the sweetest little grin you've ever seen. She frequently coos and seems to want to engage in conversation with whoever has been sucked in by her joyfulness.

Harper's eight week stats:

Weight: 9 lbs even Height: 21. 2 inches



At eight weeks, we confirmed that Sammie is quite the mama's boy (AKA: wants milk in sight at all times!) He loves to be held (again usually by mama). He is quite the serious little guy, we joke that the intense eye contact he makes is almost like he is daring you to try and break his stare. His brow is usually furrowed, as though he is trying to steal your thoughts and analyze your every move. Sam is usually the first to wake to eat at night and lets us know he is ready by sucking his hands louder than you would think is humanly possible. He has quite the pitiful little cry and seems to know how to work the system already, because there is no way anyone could turn him down with his sweet little wails, which seem to say "how could you leave me here, all by myself?!" He does NOT like to be alone, and will often start whimpering as soon as we leave the room. He is starting to smile more, too. He doesn't have the same eye crinkle characteristic as his twin sister, but instead has bilateral dimples that instantly melt your heart. He also has a little chuckle that is absolutely adorable!

Sam's eight week stats:

Weight: 10 lbs 1 oz Height: 21.1 inches


The eight week check-up went well for both babies (Mom, on the other hand flew solo to this appointment and was quite frazzled by the end!) The babies pediatrician is quite impressed with their weight gain and says they are "putting it on like gang busters!" We continue to give them two bottles of higher calorie premie formula each day to help with their weight gain. We will be able to stop this if they are still packing on the poundage by four months. Both babies tolerated their slew of vaccinations well (aside for some tears for all three of us). Our doctor mentioned some concern over Sam's head shape at this appointment. They will take a look again at the four month check up and if it hasn't evened out some, they will send us to a specialist for evaluation and possible helmet. Sam was our baby B and ran out of room at some point in the pregnancy, which could have led to the flat spot on the left side of his ead. The nurses in special care had some concern over his head shape in the first couple weeks after birth, but we just figured it was because he was so tiny. We are trying to improve things by making sure he stays off his left side (which he prefers the most), but we'll know more after the next appointment.

Bennie continues to love up his new siblings. He can usually decipher which baby is crying before we can (we call him the "cry analyzer") and can almost always get them to settle down with a pacifier. He sings to his baby brother and sister and always tells them how "funny" they are! The are starting to notice him more, too - especially Harper who is starting to give Ben some of her crinkle eye smiles, which he loves!

All in all, we are finding our way. It might not always be the most graceful, but it is getting easier!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Four weeks

At four weeks old, Harper and Sam were busy doing a lot of growing. We could not believe how much weight they gained in the first two short weeks they were home. Harper was discharged home from the hospital at 5 lbs 1 ounce and Sam at 4 lbs 9 ounces (and they felt every bit as tiny as that sounds!). Two short weeks later, Harper was up to 6 lbs 3 ounces and Sam was 6 lb 1 ounce. The babies started feeling a little less fragile once we passed the 6 lb mark!

All of that growing meant lots of sleeping (mostly during the day, not so much at night), lots of feedings and a few moments of wakefulness where they would stare at Chris and I, giving us brief glimpses into the little people they were becoming.





Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Big Brother

Da ge. The Chinese word for big brother. Before the babies were born Ben became utterly obsessed with an "Arthur" episode on PBS. One of the characters (Binky, in case you are curious) was going to become a big brother. His parents were adopting a little girl from China. After watching the episode about 149 times, Ben began referring to himself as Da Ge. As in, "I am the Da Ge, mom." And what a Da Ge he has turned out to be.

Chris and I both expressed some worry about how our oldest beetle would transition into our new world with twins. He had become accustomed to our life as a family of three. While we've tried to instill patience and sharing into our oldest child, the truth of the matter is while it was just the three of us, there really weren't very many occasions where we had other pressing matters to attend to. If Ben wanted a snack, there wasn't really any reason why I couldn't get it for him within a minute or two of his request. While we weren't as worried about meeting his every wish immediately once the twins arrived, we could not ignore that things would inevitably change. More importantly, we worried that our sweet Bennie would feel left out. Leading up to delivery and especially those first couple of weeks when we were traveling back and forth to the hospital, it broke my heart to think he would feel like his whole life had changed.

If I only had a crystal ball to see into the future. My worry was for nothing. Of course there are days when he wants his goldfish and he wants them right NOW, but the big stuff, the stuff that matters most? That is going remarkably well. Our oldest Beetle LOVES being the Da Ge. In fact, his preschool teachers have told us they cannot believe how well he has adjusted and that not to toot our own horns, but we should be pretty proud of ourselves as parents because he has done so well (which of course is what this worried mama needed to hear).

The affection he shows to his baby brother and sister is enough to bring tears to my eyes. He is constantly loving on them, giving kisses and hugs and asking to hold one of the babies. In the first few days when the twins were home, he took the time to introduce himself to both Harper and Sam, getting down right near each of their little faces and said so sweetly, so quietly you almost couldn't here him: "I am your Da Ge, your big brother. I love you Sam, I love you Harper."

Now, even though the novelty of having two new babies in the house seems to have wore off a bit, he still won't go to bed without giving each baby a gentle (for the most part!) kiss on the head and an I love you. He's taken to calling Sammie his "Sam-which" or "Bro" (just like his dad and Uncle J) and Harper has become "Harpster, "sist" or "ne-ne" (Chinese for little sister thanks again to Arthur). Going back to Dad and Uncy J, we often talk to Ben about how he and Sam are always going to be friends, just like Chris and Jason. Ben usually replies with something like, "yeah when we get bigger we are going to have bunk beds" or "when we get bigger we are going to drive around together" or "when we get bigger we are going to Canada together to snowboard" or "when we get bigger, me and Sam are going to live together forever." It is pretty much the cutest thing ever.

And so if my crystal ball could have showed me how Ben would never feel left out, but instead has gained two new best friends, I would have spent a whole less time worrying. But then again, I guess that's what parents do.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Our first few weeks at home were sort of a blur. I so wish I had been writing things down real time because looking back now I'm not sure I remember much of what we did or how we managed to get by in the beginning. I know there were lots of diapers, lots of feeding, not a whole lot of sleep, but definitely lots of love.

Once the babies were home we sort of went into survival mode and were living on adrenaline, caffeine and once again let's not forget lots of good food made by generous family and friends!

Visitors trickled in and out most days, and every time a friend or family member met our newest beetles we were overcome with emotion. To share our precious miracles with those nearest and dearest to us brings a set of emotions that one can't really describe.

We slowly settled into a routine and started to figue out what worked (making sure mama ate often enough! Turns out making milk for two babies requires lots of calories!) and what didn't (making any sort of decision during a middle of the night feeding, trying to form a complete and comprehendible sentence!)

We managed a few pictures in our sleep deprived state. At least this way we know those first few weeks really happened!! The first few are from when we were heading out from the hospital.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Our trip home from the hospital was uneventful. Chris was much more relaxed than I was. He acted like he had been a dad of newborn twins forever, I on the other hand was scared to death to take these two tiny babies out of the hospital! I think I leaned over the back of my seat a hundred times to check on the babies during our 15 minute drive home!

We were greeted by my dear friend (and old neighbor!) Nicole at home. She captured our homecoming with pictures, ones that I know I will treasure for a lifetime.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Is that you Sam? Is that you Harper?

The day we were able to hold the babies together was amazing. They had spent eight months sharing tight quarters and then spent their first ten days or so apart. It was do important to Chris to get that first picture holding both babies together that he vowed not to post any pictures and make it "Facebook Official" until he could take a picture of both babies together. Auntie Jess was there with us at the hospital that day and we were so glad she was able to witness the reunion of the Beetle twins!