Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Time is flying!

I've fallen quite behind with updating - it seems two on-the-move 18 month old toddlers and a big six year old kindergartner are keeping us on our toes. It's funny how time seems to move just as fast in different phases of life. When Harper and Sam were newborns I thought things would slow a bit once our days didn't follow a tight schedule involving every two hour feedings and frequent changing but reality proves that chasing three kids in three different directions brings new challenges as well as lots of joy!

Harper and Sam are 18 months, here's what they've been up to:


Stats: Has come a long way from her 5 lb birth weight and clocked in at just over 20 lbs at her 15 month check-up. She is the peanut of our duo (Ben affectionately refers to her as "a little elf"). She has 6 teeth and is working on all four of her 1 year old molars at once.

Food: Has her mama's sweet tooth - loves cookies and chocolates. She isn't too picky and loves fruit, yogurt and spaghetti. Mama's babas still take first place in the food and drink category. That's right, this table for two has been open for over 18 months. We'll work on weaning eventually, but for now nursing offers comfort for all that ails this little gal (and has kept her pretty healthy throughout what seems like a never ending winter!)

Activity: Loves to follow big brother around and get into his toys (except for one buzz lightyear car that races across the floor. She shakes it and then passes it off to someone else like a hot potato before it zooms away). Standing on furniture and practicing getting down like a big girl. Knocking down her brothers' carefully built towers. Singing row, row, row your boat and twinkle twinkle. Wearing her boots (apparently they are made for walking). Looking out the window and watching for woof-woofs. Modeling various hats. Stomping her feet while laughing (I don't think she got the "if you're angry and you know it stomp your feet" memo).

Words: This little lady has a lot to say. Her vocabulary includes: mama, dada, Beh (Ben), baba (of course), woof-woof (dog), meow, neigh-neigh, quack, up, snow, mess, no (usually this happens in the context of her about to do something she shouldn't and she reprimands her self by yelling: NO, NO, NO while shaking her head), oh no, oh my (complete with both hands on her little cheeks) and nigh-nigh (night-night).

Stats: My tiny little guy has turned into quite the big boy and was up from 4lbs at birth to just about 22lbs at his 15 month check-up. He looks much bigger than his sister - especially in the noggin region (his sweet little head circumference is off the charts for his age and we find he falls more frequently than his sister, most likely because he is somewhat top heavy at the moment). He has eight teeth and is getting his top two molars.

Food: Sammie is my big eater but can be picky if he is teething and if doesn't want to eat will send  his food flying off his tray faster than should be humanly possible. He loves his eggs, yogurt, wild rice soup, spaghetti and shepard's pie. He is still loving the mama milk, but I think will give it up easier than his sister.

Activity: Loves stacking blocks and cups to make towers and since he is such a mellow little guy doesn't usually get too upset when Harper comes to knock it down. He just sets right back to business and gets to work. Playing with balloons. Racing cars down the car ramp. Following big brother Ben around and trying to do everything he does. Pounding nails at the work bench. Playing toy kitchen. Singing row, row, row your boat, lounging with dad while watching a music show before bed.

Words: We joke that Sam will never need to talk because Harper always has something to say, but he is starting to vocalize a bit more. His vocabulary includes: mama, dada, cheese, baba, nigh-nigh, no and a whole lot of russian-greek words that he speaks at an incredibly fast clip that I don't understand.

Ben turned six in January which doesn't seem like it should be possible. He had a fun birthday party with 15 of his closest friends at an art studio where they constructed robots out of pieces of scrap wood. It was so much fun to see him interacting with all of his buddies and seeing all the creativity at work as the kids built their masterpieces. He's been staying busy this winter with lots of rocket construction (we'll have quite the show once spring finally arrives) and comic strip making. Soon enough, he'll be getting reading to set his leprachaun traps! He had a rough go of it with some illness over the last month but is back to his energetic, fun loving self which we are so grateful to see. He was out of school for nearly a week while he was sick and when I dropped him off on his first day back, it was so sweet to see his classmates reaction to him. He clearly has made many good friends in kindergarten! He has had some fun outings lately from jumping on the massive trampolines at SkyZone with dad to checking out the new dinosaur exhibit at the Children's Museum with mom, as well as a date to see the new Lego movie with both Chris and I. We cherish our time with our oldest beetle and love seeing the sweet little boy he is growing up to be.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hello December!

The three little beetles are busy welcoming the winter months and holiday season!

Like most holidays, Ben is ready to embrace all things Christmas - thus our tree, garland and Christmas lights have been up for several days now! We also welcomed our very own "Elf on the Shelf" yesterday. I swore up and down I would never invite one of these little guys into the house, but seeing how crazy Ben went over St. Patrick's day and all things leprechauns, I felt like I would be jipping him on something if we didn't provide him the "Elf Experience." The little dude arrived after bath last night by ringing the doorbell as only an elf would (over and over again in a crazy, maniac like pattern). As expected, Ben has fully embraced the elf, naming him "Elfie" and pretty much hasn't stopped talking about him since his arrival. This means mama has to get creative with what mischief the little guy can get into each night...luckily there are lots of good ideas all over the Internets. 

We visited Santa and took a sleigh ride over Thanksgiving weekend. The magic of Christmas is very much with Ben - he asked me if the sleigh might take off for a few minutes because "the reindeer can really fly, right mama?" Santa was so sweet and patient with our three little beetles and made a very big to do about how he has been watching Ben all year be a very good big brother to Harper and Sam and what an important job he has to be a big brother to not one, but two babies. We watched our oldest boy stand a little taller when the big man shared this observation. 

We also had our first big Minnesota snow of the year. Good thing more will be coming in the next couple days because Ben was so excited, and insisted on going out for just a few minutes before soccer practice to try and build a snow man. The base is ready and waiting for more additions tomorrow! Harper and Sam seemed to enjoy the snow, too and especially like the first few steps outside when they realize the white stuff is falling from the sky!
Lots more fun to be had the rest of the month, experiencing the holidays (snow and all) through the eyes of our little beetles certainly adds magic to this time of year!

Sleigh bells ring

Santa 2013 - H&S 15 months, Ben five years
Isn't the snow great, Harper? - Ben 5 years, Harper 15 months

Learning to walk in the snow is tricky business - Sam 15 months

Snow bunnies - H&S 15 months

6 months of Beetle Life

Somehow 6 months have slipped away without a post - summer in Minnesota will keep do that to you!  Hot summer days have left us and the snow is falling now. We spent lots of time outside during the dog days of summer, celebrated first birthdays and became proud kindergartner parents!

Sibling love and one of the first times standing -  H&S 10 months, Ben 5 years
Lunch time laughs - H&S 10 months
Fun in the sun at Auntie Amy and Uncle Jason's - Sam 10.5 months

Bathing Beauty - Harper 10.5 months

7 years anniversary celebrated

Fun family pictures taken by the talented Jamie Stoia on one of the only 90+degree MN days this summer (notice the rosy cheeks!)
Yoga camp for the oldest beetle - Ben five years

Sweet dimpled Sam smiles - 11.5 months

Harper giggles - 11.5 months

Hot summer evenings - H&S 11.5 months

One year old birthday babies

Our sweet kindergarten boy - Ben 5 years
Proud daddy on first day of kindergarten

Harper and Ben (or "Bob" as she calls him!) happy to be reunited after school - Harper 12.5 months, Ben 5 years
Messes Made - Harper 12 months
Cheering for big brother at fall soccer - Harper 12 months
Early nostalgia setting in - School BBQ, Ben 5 years
First steps - Harper 13 months
Pumpkin patching and apple picking with Grammie K - H&S 13.5 months, Ben 5 years

Taking advantage of two babies in diapers with tower building - Ben five years

Halloween Puppies and Red Power Ranger - H&S 14 months, Ben 5 years

Fun with good friends - H&S 15 months, Ben 5 years

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Nine Month Update and Summer is Finally Here!

Once again I am running a little behind updating and since this is serving as a memory book for the kids I better get on it!

Summer has finally arrived in Minnesota and we are taking full advantage of the warm weather. This includes near nightly sprinkler runs and water balloon fights. With Ben, not the babies (yet). Bennie officially graduated from preschool and is getting ready to be a big kindergartner in the fall. He is still pretty much the best big brother we could ever ask for and is enjoying being able to play a bit more with his brother and sister.

Harper and Sam are busy crawling all over the place and into and out of everything they can. They are also enjoying lots of new foods and like big brother are very good eaters. They had a great nine month check up (no shots, yay!) The Harpster came in at 16 lbs 4 oz and not so little brother Sammie weighs 17 lbs 5 oz. They both are growing so well, you could never tell what little peanuts they were when they were born. Harper is definitely more weary of new faces than Sam. She likes having mom near by. She also makes her presence known, she is the more talkative of the two. I often wonder if Sam gets tired of her squawking but so far he seems to be handling her chatter quite well. Speaking of Sam, he has mastered the art of clapping and does it every chance he can get. His claps are accompanied by a great big dimpled, two baby teeth smile that is quite adorable. Harper is trying to keep up with her brother and almost has the clap mastered, but mostly smacks her fists together in a self fist bump sort of fashion.

We had lots of fun during the spring months and took a trip to beautiful Costa Rica for Jason and Kathryn's wedding. This was such a wonderful time and in order to do it justice, will get it's very own post.

Our last couple months looked like this:

twin love

first time in the swing

moustache ben at school carninval

brother love

tiger ben, courtesy of our wonderful baby-sitter, Hannah

happy girl


last day of preschool
this girl loves her crackers

Morning after sleeping through the night!!

super soaker battle

bath time babies
sweet sammie

mom and dad, don't look half bad for 10 months of sleepless nights!
look at that face!