Sunday, July 8, 2012


So Bennie-boy has a lot to say these days. And a lot of questions. Like the other night, we were laying in bed snuggling after books and for some reason he had the tooth fairy on his mind. Except in his mind she is the "tooth girl." As in, "Mom, so how does that, um, tooth girl get in our house?" When I confirmed that we were indeed talking about the tooth fairy, he had all sorts of questions on where she lives (my response? the tooth girl village, of course), how she finds the tooth, what if she can't find the tooth and when his baby teeth will fall out and his big teeth start to grow.

He also has a way of using interesting words to describe things. He went through a phase where a lot of one thing was equivalent to a "gallop." Like when he went strawberry picking with his Papa Kirk and Auntie Jessie and referred to a "whole gallop of strawberries." Jessie was the one who noticed it first and then I started hearing it at home. He also uses the phrase "20 a lot of" to describe many things or the passage of a long length of time. As in, when are Grammie and Grampie going to get here? It's not going to be "20 a lot of minutes, is it mom?" 

Grown up phrases seem to enter his vocabulary from time to time, too. He went through a phase where he said "oh brother" every time things didn't go exactly as he planned. When he was a little guy he actually uttered the phrase "oh dear," I think he picked that one up from my mom. About two weeks ago he started saying, "come to think of it." It cracks me up when he does this, because he usually says them in perfect context which makes it even more hilarious. I think he will have his daddy's big vocabulary. 

And finally, one last story. This one has to do with Ben's take on the babies life right now. On the fourth of July he asked if the babies could see or hear the fireworks. I told him they could probably hear them through my tummy. Well, his little imagination never stops, so in response to that he told me he thought they could see them, too, because they were "probably going to poke a little whole through my tummy and put a telescope out so they could see them."

This little boy is the light of our lives, and keeps it interesting for sure!



  1. What a great story - when I read this I thought of Aunti Teri, she was going to write kids books at one time, this could be her inspiration as she is recovering from her surgery!

  2. I love those little sayings and moments. I remember my mom sharing things I once said as a child and they were priceless to hear. What a great way of keeping them recorded to share with Ben as he gets older.
