Wednesday, July 4, 2012

27 weeks

How far along? 27 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: + 28 lbs

Babies: Baby A and Baby B are each the size of a rutabaga (images from )

 Belly: The baby belly seems to be changing shape these days. Baby A is sitting very low and is head down. Baby B is transverse (laying lengthwise) across by upper belly. So they are kind of positioned in a T like fashion. I am feeling lots of kicks and jabs on my left side so I think there might be four little feet hanging out over there. 

My sister Jessie came over earlier in the week and managed to get these beautiful shots in all of about two minutes. I love this one of Bennie looking up at me. He is always on the move and not a huge fan of having his picture taken. I think this is the one picture that we managed to catch so I am so glad it turned out! Jess also was able to feel the babies moving around when she was over for a visit. So fun to see her reaction!



Sleep: Not that great this week. My body is not accustomed to so much rest during the day. I am up several times at night. Hopefully I'll just be all the more prepared for nighttime feedings for two babies!

Best moment this week: I have been so blessed by visits from family and several close friends over the last couple of weeks! It has been great to see everyone and catch up. 

Another great moment was when my mom and sister came over and helped pull the nursery together last weekend. They quickly went to work and let me direct from my rocking chair. I am lucky they are both organizers by nature, so things are probably in better shape than if I would have done it myself:) 

Ben had a pretty great week as well. He went bowling for the first time with Chris on Saturday and his Auntie Amy and cousin Annika took him to the water park earlier this week. He had so much fun. I was so worried he wouldn't have much to do with me laying low, it turns out he is living it up with all these fun activities!

I also had a great appointment on Monday. Everything is stable and I have not dilated any further which is a wonderful news. I was nervous leading up to this appointment, so feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief that things aren't changing!

Movement: Baby A seems to be more active than his or her sibling. Maybe A will be our wild one and B the more mellow baby!

Food cravings: Donuts (I don't think that one is going away any time soon!)

Gender: staying a surprise for now!

Labor Signs: Occasional contractions, nothing regular at this point (thank goodness!)

What I miss: Running after Ben. In the summer we normally take a walk (while he rides his bike, which means the walk sometimes would turn into a run trying to chase him down!) after dinner each night. It tugs at my heart a little bit when I see him take off down the driveway with his dad, but I know before long we'll have two more to add to the gang!

What I am looking forward to: Making my way into the home stretch. The third trimester is coming up! And spending the 4th of July with family today. Chris' brother has been gone for three weeks traveling to China, Singapore and India for work. Ben can't wait to see his "Uncy J" and we can't wait to hear all about his trip!

Milestones: Almost to 28 weeks. This feels like a huge milestone to me! The nurse in me knows that every week matters and while of course we don't want the babies born for several more weeks, 28 weeks is a huge milestone as far at the health of the babies goes.

Happy 4th of July everyone, hope you all have a great day and spend it celebrating with those you love!

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing the updates. The picture with Ben kissing your belly is PRICELESS! You look so beautiful in the photos :) If you miss walks, you could have Ben pull you around in the wagon! JK. Hang in there---next time I see you I'll bring donuts!
