Once again the 30 week post is a little late, but better now than never:)
How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:+35 lbs
Total weight gain/loss:+35 lbs
Babies: The Bradley babies are the size of cucumbers this week. Although my guess is that comparison is to length because I don't think I've ever come across a 3 lb cucumber!
(images from http://pregnant.thebump.com)
Belly: Feels big to me, although right now I am only measuring about 3 weeks ahead compared to a singleton pregnancy. It isn't unusual for a mother of twins to measure 5-10 weeks ahead, so I think I must hide the babies well in my long torso!
I've started to hear comments like "any day now, right?" But then once the commenter hears I am having twins, they quickly switch to "really, I can't believe there are two in there!" I very much feel like I look pregnant with two babies, considering I am bigger now than I was when I delivered Ben!

I've started to hear comments like "any day now, right?" But then once the commenter hears I am having twins, they quickly switch to "really, I can't believe there are two in there!" I very much feel like I look pregnant with two babies, considering I am bigger now than I was when I delivered Ben!
Sleep: Has been ok this week. Babies are playing kickball with my bladder so I am up what seems like all night, but luckily I can just roll out of bed and right into the bathroom! (I'll let you in on a little secret though, I don't "just roll" anywhere these days, since changing positions honestly feels like it should qualify as a three hour Olympic event, but nevertheless it is very nice to have our bathroom right next to my side of the bed!)
Best moment this week: I had a beautiful baby shower the day I turned 30 weeks. It was so wonderful to be surrounded by friends and family who are looking forward to loving these little ones. I feel so blessed every time I think of how many special people are going to teach and guide the twins as they grow.
Food cravings: Liquid of any shape or form! I am incredibly thirsty all the time these days (which may explain my comments in the sleep section!)
Gender: For some reason this week I am really thinking two boys, no particular reason and no slips as I didn't have an ultrasound this week.
Best moment this week: I had a beautiful baby shower the day I turned 30 weeks. It was so wonderful to be surrounded by friends and family who are looking forward to loving these little ones. I feel so blessed every time I think of how many special people are going to teach and guide the twins as they grow.
Food cravings: Liquid of any shape or form! I am incredibly thirsty all the time these days (which may explain my comments in the sleep section!)
Gender: For some reason this week I am really thinking two boys, no particular reason and no slips as I didn't have an ultrasound this week.
Labor Signs: Lots of braxton hicks type contractions last week. Chris and I took a trip to the maternal assessment center last Sunday because they were getting more painful and very regular. Things looked good and we were able to go home just in time to celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary!
What I miss: Lots of little things that seem so small in comparison to how important it is to keep these babies healthy and tucked away for the next few weeks. I am looking forward to doing some fall planting and decorating in our flower box since we just didn't get to it this year. It seems crazy to think that I will have three little ones by the time we are putting out pumpkins and mums!
I am looking forward to: Every week that goes by seems means we are getting closer to meeting beetles # 2 and 3. For a time there it seems like we were so far away, but now I can picture having these babies home with us and getting used to being a family of five and I really can't wait!
Milestones: We hit 30 weeks! The countdown is officially on! Babies will be here in 8 weeks or less:)
I love the week by week photos! Wow, you can really see how they are growing. You look so beautiful and I can't wait to meet the babies.