How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:+33 lbs
Total weight gain/loss:+33 lbs
Babies: Babies are the size of acorn squash. I had a growth scan today and by ultrasound baby A weighs 2 lbs 13 ounces and baby B weights 2 lbs 15 ounces. At 29 weeks, I am carrying almost as much baby poundage as the day I delivered Ben (he was 6 lbs and today I am carrying 5 lbs 12 ounces between the twins!)
(images from
The ultrasound was amazing today, we were able to catch baby A smiling (I have a 4d image of this but can't figure out how to get it uploaded). We were also able to see baby B's hair! I'm not surprised that he or she has hair, if these babies are anything like their big brother, they'll be ready for a hair cut before they are a month old!
Belly: Is growing! Both babies remain head down (yay!) Baby B has his little rump right under my ribs on the right side. He or she seems to get upset if I don't sit with perfect posture (I think there is less space if I slouch!)

Sleep: Happens in hour increments or so.
Best moment this week: Probably when I told Ben my belly felt really big. I then asked him if it looked really big, to which he replied (with only the honesty of a child): "yeah mom it is really big, like a hundred big. Like you are going to explode."
Food cravings: Veggies this week! Yes donuts still rank high on the list, but for some reason I am craving roasted veggies this week.
Gender: Still a surprise (thankfully the US tech at my regular office didn't let on anything today!)
Best moment this week: Probably when I told Ben my belly felt really big. I then asked him if it looked really big, to which he replied (with only the honesty of a child): "yeah mom it is really big, like a hundred big. Like you are going to explode."
Food cravings: Veggies this week! Yes donuts still rank high on the list, but for some reason I am craving roasted veggies this week.
Gender: Still a surprise (thankfully the US tech at my regular office didn't let on anything today!)
Labor Signs: Occasional contractions that luckily aren't doing anything at the moment since once again I haven't dilated any further (halleluiah!)
What I miss: I am missing work big time. It is hard to stay at home and rest when I'm used to the hustle and bustle of my nursing career but I know taking care of myself and these babies is the most important work I can do right now.
I am looking forward to: It's a big weekend- sprinkle shower tomorrow and then Chris and my 6 year anniversary is on Sunday. It seems like just yesterday we were having our first dance.
Milestones: Another precious week under my belt (or should I say my full panel maternity shorts!) We are getting so close to meeting beetle #2 and 3!
Keep the updates coming - I look forward to your progress, you give a great update. Sure was nice to see you and everyone else at the shower, always thinking of you and wondering how you are doing... Aunti Pam