Sunday, July 29, 2012

30 weeks

Once again the 30 week post is a little late, but better now than never:)

How far along? 30 weeks

Total weight gain/loss:+35 lbs

Babies: The Bradley babies are the size of cucumbers this week. Although my guess is that comparison is to length because I don't think I've ever come across a 3 lb cucumber!

 (images from

Belly: Feels big to me, although right now I am only measuring about 3 weeks ahead compared to a singleton pregnancy. It isn't unusual for a mother of twins to measure 5-10 weeks ahead, so I think I must hide the babies well in my long torso! 

I've started to hear comments like "any day now, right?" But then once the commenter hears I am having twins, they quickly switch to "really, I can't believe there are two in there!" I very much feel like I look pregnant with two babies, considering I am bigger now than I was when I delivered Ben!

Sleep: Has been ok this week. Babies are playing kickball with my bladder so I am up what seems like all night, but luckily I can just roll out of bed and right into the bathroom! (I'll let you in on a little secret though, I don't "just roll" anywhere these days, since changing positions honestly feels like it should qualify as a three hour Olympic event, but nevertheless it is very nice to have our bathroom right next to my side of the bed!)

Best moment this week: I had a beautiful baby shower the day I turned 30 weeks. It was so wonderful to be surrounded by friends and family who are looking forward to loving these little ones. I feel so blessed every time I think of how many special people are going to teach and guide the twins as they grow.

Food cravings: Liquid of any shape or form! I am incredibly thirsty all the time these days (which may explain my comments in the sleep section!)

Gender: For some reason this week I am really thinking two boys, no particular reason and no slips as I didn't have an ultrasound this week.

Labor Signs: Lots of braxton hicks type contractions last week. Chris and I took a trip to the maternal assessment center last Sunday because they were getting more painful and very regular. Things looked good and we were able to go home just in time to celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary!

What I miss: Lots of little things that seem so small in comparison to how important it is to keep these babies healthy and tucked away for the next few weeks. I am looking forward to doing some fall planting and decorating in our flower box since we just didn't get to it this year. It seems crazy to think that I will have three little ones by the time we are putting out pumpkins and mums!

What I am looking forward to: Every week that goes by seems means we are getting closer to meeting beetles # 2 and 3. For a time there it seems like we were so far away, but now I can picture having these babies home with us and getting used to being a family of five and I really can't wait!

Milestones: We hit 30 weeks! The countdown is officially on! Babies will be here in 8 weeks or less:)

Friday, July 20, 2012

29 weeks

How far along? 29 weeks

Total weight gain/loss:+33 lbs

Babies: Babies are the size of acorn squash. I had a growth scan today and by ultrasound baby A weighs 2 lbs 13 ounces and baby B weights 2 lbs 15 ounces. At 29 weeks, I am carrying almost as much baby poundage as the day I delivered Ben (he was 6 lbs and today I am carrying 5 lbs 12 ounces between the twins!) 

 (images from

The ultrasound was amazing today, we were able to catch baby A smiling (I have a 4d image of this but can't figure out how to get it uploaded). We were also able to see baby B's hair! I'm not surprised that he or she has hair, if these babies are anything like their big brother, they'll be ready for a hair cut before they are a month old!

Belly: Is growing! Both babies remain head down (yay!) Baby B has his little rump right under my ribs on the right side. He or she seems to get upset if I don't sit with perfect posture (I think there is less space if I slouch!)

Sleep: Happens in hour increments or so.

Best moment this week: Probably when I told Ben my belly felt really big. I then asked him if it looked really big, to which he replied (with only the honesty of a child): "yeah mom it is really big, like a hundred big. Like you are going to explode."

Food cravings: Veggies this week! Yes donuts still rank high on the list, but for some reason I am craving roasted veggies this week.

Gender: Still a surprise (thankfully the US tech at my regular office didn't let on anything today!)

Labor Signs: Occasional contractions that luckily aren't doing anything at the moment since once again I haven't dilated any further (halleluiah!)

What I miss: I am missing work big time. It is hard to stay at home and rest when I'm used to the hustle and bustle of my nursing career but I know taking care of myself and these babies is the most important work I can do right now.

What I am looking forward to: It's a big weekend- sprinkle shower tomorrow and then Chris and my 6 year anniversary is on Sunday. It seems like just yesterday we were having our first dance.

Milestones: Another precious week under my belt (or should I say my full panel maternity shorts!) We are getting so close to meeting beetle #2 and 3!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

28 weeks (a little late)

How far along? 28 weeks (I am a little behind getting this up, but don't want to skip the weekly post).

Total weight gain/loss:+29 lbs

Babies: The Bradley Babies are the size of eggplants this week. Babies are putting on layers of fat, and on average probably weigh in at around 1.5 to 2.5 pounds and measure about 13.6 to 14.8 inches


  (images from )

Belly: Has changed shape again this week. Probably due to the fact that they are both now head down. Baby A has been head down for awhile, but B has been transverse (laying lengthwise across the top of my belly for awhile). I kind of thought B had turned because all of a sudden I felt lots of little feet on both sides of my ribs (instead of feet on my left side and head butts on my right!) If babies stay head down until the big day, it will decrease my chances for a c-section, which I hope to avoid.

Sleep: Eh, not so good but I think I am getting used to cat naps during the night. My husband? Not so much. I think he is tired of the shifting and turning all night long!

Best moment this week: Another great appointment. Have not dilated any more (yay!) Baby A's head is very low. My doctor has told me at each appointment for the last couple weeks that A's head is lower than the previous time. Honestly, I am like really how much lower can it get??

Another great moment was a baby shower for a very dear friend. Mandy and I met through our husbands who have been best buds for many years now. Mandy is expecting a baby girl any day now and we can't wait to meet her! There may or may not be an arranged marriage lined up for 25 years down the road!

Food cravings: Well, donuts. love affair might be over or drastically limited. I had my gestational diabetes screening this week and did not pass. Although Dr. C. assures me this is not surprising as twin mamas are much more likely to fail simply because the two placentas tend to wreck havoc on the insulin/glucose balance. The way they test for gestational diabetes involves drinking a sickly sweet orange drink that contains 50 grams of pure sugar and then testing your blood 1 hour later. The passing number is 130 and mine was in the 150 range. My OB wanted me to start testing at home to get an accurate picture of what is going on with foods I actually eat on a regular basis. Since I've started taking my blood sugars at home (first thing in the morning and an hour after all meals) they have have been completely normal. I'll keep testing this week and if they stay within the normal range we don't have to worry.

Gender:No slips this week!

Labor Signs: Contractions have been a little stronger and somewhat more frequent this week, but die down after a couple of hours.

What I miss: Cool weather! It has been steamy hot here in Minnesota for what seems like the last two months and with two little ones taking up rent in my belly I often feel like I am suffocating. Who knows though, maybe I would feel the same way if it were January but I can't help but think the heat has something to do with it (and I'd rather blame it on the weather than my little loves!)

What I am looking forward to: I have a growth scan coming up on Friday and can't wait to see how big the babies are! Also, my mom, sister and sister-in-law are throwing a sprinkle shower for me and the babies next weekend! Can't wait to catch up with family and friends.

Milestones: Ah, sweet 28 weeks. I am breathing a little easier knowing we've made it this far. We've come a long way in the last four weeks!


With kindness that is. Our family and friends have been so incredibly helpful over the last few weeks. I've often found myself thinking what a shame it is that words just don't ever seem to do true gratitude justice. I only hope I can return the same kindness one day.

Last week my parents showed up with breakfast for Chris, Ben and I. While the breakfast in and of itself was wonderful, they also showed up with a cooler full of frozen meals. I think everyone would agree that your mom's home cooking always brings comfort and makes you feel cared for, and last week that is just what we needed.

In the meantime, Chris' mom was busy last weekend putting the finishing touches on curtains she made just for the babies' room. They are absolutely adorable and really pulled the nursery together. I will have to take a picture to show off her handiwork! 

Our families have helped fill in the gaps between Ben's summer camp program and have kept him quite busy. Honestly, he might be a little bored when he's stuck with mom and dad again!

Friends have continued to check in and provide words of support and encouragement. My sister and I have weekly Bachelorette dates which involves of tons of laughing as we pick apart each cheesy scene!

One thing I know for sure, kindness is a pretty good thing to be overwhelmed about.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


So Bennie-boy has a lot to say these days. And a lot of questions. Like the other night, we were laying in bed snuggling after books and for some reason he had the tooth fairy on his mind. Except in his mind she is the "tooth girl." As in, "Mom, so how does that, um, tooth girl get in our house?" When I confirmed that we were indeed talking about the tooth fairy, he had all sorts of questions on where she lives (my response? the tooth girl village, of course), how she finds the tooth, what if she can't find the tooth and when his baby teeth will fall out and his big teeth start to grow.

He also has a way of using interesting words to describe things. He went through a phase where a lot of one thing was equivalent to a "gallop." Like when he went strawberry picking with his Papa Kirk and Auntie Jessie and referred to a "whole gallop of strawberries." Jessie was the one who noticed it first and then I started hearing it at home. He also uses the phrase "20 a lot of" to describe many things or the passage of a long length of time. As in, when are Grammie and Grampie going to get here? It's not going to be "20 a lot of minutes, is it mom?" 

Grown up phrases seem to enter his vocabulary from time to time, too. He went through a phase where he said "oh brother" every time things didn't go exactly as he planned. When he was a little guy he actually uttered the phrase "oh dear," I think he picked that one up from my mom. About two weeks ago he started saying, "come to think of it." It cracks me up when he does this, because he usually says them in perfect context which makes it even more hilarious. I think he will have his daddy's big vocabulary. 

And finally, one last story. This one has to do with Ben's take on the babies life right now. On the fourth of July he asked if the babies could see or hear the fireworks. I told him they could probably hear them through my tummy. Well, his little imagination never stops, so in response to that he told me he thought they could see them, too, because they were "probably going to poke a little whole through my tummy and put a telescope out so they could see them."

This little boy is the light of our lives, and keeps it interesting for sure!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

27 weeks

How far along? 27 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: + 28 lbs

Babies: Baby A and Baby B are each the size of a rutabaga (images from )

 Belly: The baby belly seems to be changing shape these days. Baby A is sitting very low and is head down. Baby B is transverse (laying lengthwise) across by upper belly. So they are kind of positioned in a T like fashion. I am feeling lots of kicks and jabs on my left side so I think there might be four little feet hanging out over there. 

My sister Jessie came over earlier in the week and managed to get these beautiful shots in all of about two minutes. I love this one of Bennie looking up at me. He is always on the move and not a huge fan of having his picture taken. I think this is the one picture that we managed to catch so I am so glad it turned out! Jess also was able to feel the babies moving around when she was over for a visit. So fun to see her reaction!



Sleep: Not that great this week. My body is not accustomed to so much rest during the day. I am up several times at night. Hopefully I'll just be all the more prepared for nighttime feedings for two babies!

Best moment this week: I have been so blessed by visits from family and several close friends over the last couple of weeks! It has been great to see everyone and catch up. 

Another great moment was when my mom and sister came over and helped pull the nursery together last weekend. They quickly went to work and let me direct from my rocking chair. I am lucky they are both organizers by nature, so things are probably in better shape than if I would have done it myself:) 

Ben had a pretty great week as well. He went bowling for the first time with Chris on Saturday and his Auntie Amy and cousin Annika took him to the water park earlier this week. He had so much fun. I was so worried he wouldn't have much to do with me laying low, it turns out he is living it up with all these fun activities!

I also had a great appointment on Monday. Everything is stable and I have not dilated any further which is a wonderful news. I was nervous leading up to this appointment, so feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief that things aren't changing!

Movement: Baby A seems to be more active than his or her sibling. Maybe A will be our wild one and B the more mellow baby!

Food cravings: Donuts (I don't think that one is going away any time soon!)

Gender: staying a surprise for now!

Labor Signs: Occasional contractions, nothing regular at this point (thank goodness!)

What I miss: Running after Ben. In the summer we normally take a walk (while he rides his bike, which means the walk sometimes would turn into a run trying to chase him down!) after dinner each night. It tugs at my heart a little bit when I see him take off down the driveway with his dad, but I know before long we'll have two more to add to the gang!

What I am looking forward to: Making my way into the home stretch. The third trimester is coming up! And spending the 4th of July with family today. Chris' brother has been gone for three weeks traveling to China, Singapore and India for work. Ben can't wait to see his "Uncy J" and we can't wait to hear all about his trip!

Milestones: Almost to 28 weeks. This feels like a huge milestone to me! The nurse in me knows that every week matters and while of course we don't want the babies born for several more weeks, 28 weeks is a huge milestone as far at the health of the babies goes.

Happy 4th of July everyone, hope you all have a great day and spend it celebrating with those you love!