Once again I am running a little behind updating and since this is serving as a memory book for the kids I better get on it!
Summer has finally arrived in Minnesota and we are taking full advantage of the warm weather. This includes near nightly sprinkler runs and water balloon fights. With Ben, not the babies (yet). Bennie officially graduated from preschool and is getting ready to be a big kindergartner in the fall. He is still pretty much the best big brother we could ever ask for and is enjoying being able to play a bit more with his brother and sister.
Harper and Sam are busy crawling all over the place and into and out of everything they can. They are also enjoying lots of new foods and like big brother are very good eaters. They had a great nine month check up (no shots, yay!) The Harpster came in at 16 lbs 4 oz and not so little brother Sammie weighs 17 lbs 5 oz. They both are growing so well, you could never tell what little peanuts they were when they were born. Harper is definitely more weary of new faces than Sam. She likes having mom near by. She also makes her presence known, she is the more talkative of the two. I often wonder if Sam gets tired of her squawking but so far he seems to be handling her chatter quite well. Speaking of Sam, he has mastered the art of clapping and does it every chance he can get. His claps are accompanied by a great big dimpled, two baby teeth smile that is quite adorable. Harper is trying to keep up with her brother and almost has the clap mastered, but mostly smacks her fists together in a self fist bump sort of fashion.
We had lots of fun during the spring months and took a trip to beautiful Costa Rica for Jason and Kathryn's wedding. This was such a wonderful time and in order to do it justice, will get it's very own post.
Our last couple months looked like this:
twin love |
first time in the swing |
moustache ben at school carninval |
brother love |
tiger ben, courtesy of our wonderful baby-sitter, Hannah |
happy girl |
sibs |
last day of preschool |
this girl loves her crackers |
Morning after sleeping through the night!! |
super soaker battle |
bath time babies |
sweet sammie |
mom and dad, don't look half bad for 10 months of sleepless nights! |
look at that face! |
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