How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +40 lbs (oh dear god. Good for the babies, painful for every last one of my joints that is supporting that additional weight)
Babies: The Bradley babies are the size of durians this week. If you are like me, you have no idea what a durian is. Let me enlighten you, the durian "is the fruit of several tree species belonging to the genus Durio and the Malvaceae family[1][3] (although some taxonomists place Durio in a distinct family, Durionaceae[1]). Widely known and revered in southeast Asia as the "king of fruits", the durian is distinctive for its large size, unique odour, and formidable thorn-covered husk. The fruit can grow as large as 30 centimetres (12 in) long and 15 centimetres (6 in) in diameter, and it typically weighs one to three kilograms (2 to 7 lb). Its shape ranges from oblong to round, the colour of its husk green to brown, and its flesh pale yellow to red, depending on the species." Thank you, wikipedia.
Thankfully medicine is a little more scientific than comparing the babies to fruit we've never heard of. That being said, I had a growth scan yesterday and Baby A is estimated to weigh a whopping 4 lbs 4 oz and B is a bit smaller at 3 lbs 14 oz. On the growth curve, baby A is clocking in at the 44th percentile for gestational age, while his or her sibling is around the 29th percentile. I was hoping both babies would be at least four pounds this week and am pleased that A surpassed this goal and B is pretty darn close.

(images from
(images from
Belly: Is large and in charge. Chris has been referring to me as big mama for many weeks now. This week I feel like big mama more than ever.
Belly comment of the week once again took place in the elevator on the way to the doctor's office. This time it was a newspaper delivery man who said, "you have to have two in there, right?" I smiled and said yes, while thinking to myself and you my friend are pretty lucky that I am indeed having twins or you would have just offended a very pregnant woman in a small, confined space.
Belly comment of the week once again took place in the elevator on the way to the doctor's office. This time it was a newspaper delivery man who said, "you have to have two in there, right?" I smiled and said yes, while thinking to myself and you my friend are pretty lucky that I am indeed having twins or you would have just offended a very pregnant woman in a small, confined space.
Sleep: While being out of work has been very difficult over the last several weeks, I am now taking advantage of the ability to cat nap during the day because there is definitely not a whole lot of sleep happening at night.
Best moment this week: Two pretty big ones this week. The first was hearing that the babies are growing and getting bigger and stronger was such a relief. At the last growth scan my doctor mentioned that he was a bit concerned that babies were measuring somewhat small, so it was a huge blessing to hear they are doing well!
Another wonderful moment was holding a very special newborn baby who was welcomed to the world just a few days ago. Our dear friends from college had a baby girl earlier in the week and we went over to meet sweet little "A" earlier this afternoon. Ben held his first newborn ever and on the way home told us "that little baby was really, super cute." We think so, too!
Food cravings: No big cravings this week. Food has sort of become a means to an end (the end being big, healthy babies). I am quickly running out of room and find myself eating small, frequent meals. My sister gave me some inspiration for smoothies that are jam packed with protein, so those have definitely been helping!
Gender: Starting to wonder if perhaps Beetle A is a boy and Beetle B is a girl simply because of the size difference. I take that a with a grain of salt though, because the ultrasounds while helpful, are not terribly accurate at this stage in a twin pregnancy simply because of the difficulty in getting good images due to the cramped quarters.
Labor Signs: Stronger, more frequent contractions. Exam was stable yesterday at my check up. Dr. C. thinks we have at least another 1-2 weeks to go, which is amazing news considering we were preparing for a potential very early delivery when I first started showing signs of preterm labor at 24 weeks. I am hoping to make it to at least 35 weeks, and the way things are going I think I can do it!
Best moment this week: Two pretty big ones this week. The first was hearing that the babies are growing and getting bigger and stronger was such a relief. At the last growth scan my doctor mentioned that he was a bit concerned that babies were measuring somewhat small, so it was a huge blessing to hear they are doing well!
Another wonderful moment was holding a very special newborn baby who was welcomed to the world just a few days ago. Our dear friends from college had a baby girl earlier in the week and we went over to meet sweet little "A" earlier this afternoon. Ben held his first newborn ever and on the way home told us "that little baby was really, super cute." We think so, too!
Food cravings: No big cravings this week. Food has sort of become a means to an end (the end being big, healthy babies). I am quickly running out of room and find myself eating small, frequent meals. My sister gave me some inspiration for smoothies that are jam packed with protein, so those have definitely been helping!
Gender: Starting to wonder if perhaps Beetle A is a boy and Beetle B is a girl simply because of the size difference. I take that a with a grain of salt though, because the ultrasounds while helpful, are not terribly accurate at this stage in a twin pregnancy simply because of the difficulty in getting good images due to the cramped quarters.
Labor Signs: Stronger, more frequent contractions. Exam was stable yesterday at my check up. Dr. C. thinks we have at least another 1-2 weeks to go, which is amazing news considering we were preparing for a potential very early delivery when I first started showing signs of preterm labor at 24 weeks. I am hoping to make it to at least 35 weeks, and the way things are going I think I can do it!
What I miss: My ankles, especially my left one! Swelling in my feet is in full force despite staying in a horizontal position for most of the day. I have affectionately nicknamed my left one as "shrek foot."
I am looking forward to: Hopefully making it through the next few weeks with gratitude and grace. I remind myself that every day the babies stay tucked away in my belly is a day they grow stronger and healthier. That being said, every day is bringing new aches and pains for this Beetle Mama but of course they are a small price to pay for two healthy babies.
Milestones: 33 weeks! We're almost there!!
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