Sammie boy decided to start rolling yesterday! He goes from tummy to back and gets vey close to making it from his back to his tummy. It is so funny watching him on the video monitor because he is all over the place in his crib.
All this rolling is very good for Sam because it means he will probably spend less time on his back and hopefully will give up his preference for looking to the left. Big sister Harper made her self comfy during the pregnancy which left little room for baby brother. We noticed Sam's head shape looked somewhat off shortly after birth, but figured he had been through a lot and babies heads aren't always so perfect immediately after arrival. During his hospital stay the nurse started noticing his head shape as well as a preference for turning his head to his left side. We've been diligent about providing lots of tummy time and worked on enticing him to look towards the right since he's been home. Despite all of this, his head shape has worsened and he has a fairly noticeable flat area on his left side along with some facial asymmetry. Our pediatrician sent us to a craniofacial surgeon at one of the Children's hospitals here in the cities. He confirmed that Sam has torticollis as well as deformational plagiocephaly. The torticollis means that the muscles in his neck are very tight on one side and the plagiocephaly means he has a flat area on one side of his head. The surgeon feels both the torticollis and plagiocephaly are on the severe end of the spectrum. The remedy is some physical therapy to work on stretching his neck and a small helmet called a cranio cap. He will need to wear the helmet 23 hours/day for 3-5 months. We'll go in and have it adjusted every week or two. Both torticollis and plagiocephaly are more common in babies born early as well as in multiples. Sam was also growth restricted during the pregnancy, so these issues probably started in utero. I really dislike the idea of him having to wear the helmet and hope he tolerates it ok, but in the grand scheme of things it really is such a minor issue. Bennie already has big plans to decorate it for Sam!
And, so as not to let little brother steal the show, Harper decided TODAY was her day to start rolling! She wasn't going to let her twin get too far ahead of her! It's funny because yesterday when Sam started rolling I remember thinking that Harper probably would not for at least a few more weeks because she just wasn't showing that much indication of doing so. Well this afternoon I had both babies on their play mat while we were working on dinner and out of nowhere Chris asked me if Harper just rolled over. I turned around and sure enough she was laying on her stomach, happy as a clam. I rolled her on her back (mostly because she was on a thin play pad on the wood floor and I didn't want her to face plant!), well it wasn't more than a few seconds and she rolled right back over on to her tummy! She did it over and over again, showing off her new trick!
It was so fun watching Ben take it all in, he was so cute, saying "I'm so proud of you Harper, you're such a big girl!" and "I'm so proud of you, Sam, you are such a big guy!" It won't be long and these two will be chasing to keep up with their big brother!
Going from one little beetle to three little beetles. Finding our way as parents of one big boy and infant twins.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Today our oldest (and original little beetle) turned five. Where did the time go? It seems impossible to think he is now a big boy (although he reminds me of this fact every time I call him my baby!)
At five years old, our sweet Bennie boy is the love of our lives. He lights up a room and his energy is contagious.
Our big guy is quite the curious little dude. Often thinking of questions that I am not always sure how to answer. He is also quite practical and after I hesitate for a bit, will come to the answer all on his own (leaving me to wonder why I didn't think of that).
At five years young, Ben has a laugh that is so full and rich it seems like it should belong to someone much older. I count myself lucky in that I hear that laugh frequently. This little boy finds humor everywhere.
Energy seems to be endless for our oldest Beetle. He is busy, busy, busy from sun up until sun down. Sometimes I wonder how he can keep going. My dad jokes that he only needs a ten minute rest or so and his batteries are recharged and he's ready to go again!
This sweet boy of ours is so very kind. Sometimes his kindness pulls at my heart strings and I wonder how we have managed to raise such a beautiful boy. At the beginning of the school year all of the children tie wishes for the year to a tree. At conference time his teachers told me most of the kids wished for silly things, but Ben's wish was: "that we all be friends." Talk about making a mama proud.
At five years old, this little man loves to work. Give him a job and he'll give it his all.
He loves all things construction or "worker-man" like. Our water heater went out at home a while back and for days he went around the house pretending to be the "water heater guy," constructing intricate pipe designs and telling me we were going to have a flood, but not to worry because he would take care of us.
Art, crafts, painting, clay, glue - you name it and he loves it. A day filled with project making would be the best kind of day in his book. He was lucky to spend a lot of time with his grammies over the summer and they both came up with tons of projects for him (which he now stores away like little treasures).
He adores his brother and sister (and at four months old they think pretty highly of him, too!). Along with the little people in his world, his aunties, uncles, grandparents and cousins top his list of favorite people. He often reminisces of time spent with his family and always asks when he gets to see them again.
He is absolutely fearless. We recently went snowtubing with some good friends from college and Ben was busy going down double black diamond runs while I was shaking in my boots. He convinced me to go with him and I told him I would but that I was going to close my eyes the whole way. He told me I couldn't do that "because I would miss all the excitement!"
This little boy lights up my world. I live for his hugs, kisses, laughter and story telling. Happy birthday to my biggest boy...who will always be my baby:)
Pictures from the big five year old's special day (which started our with a water main flood in our road, which was pretty much a birthday present in and of itself for this guy!), followed by arcade games at Chucky Cheese's and cake at home with his brother and sister (complete with party hats for the whole gang)!
At five years old, our sweet Bennie boy is the love of our lives. He lights up a room and his energy is contagious.
Our big guy is quite the curious little dude. Often thinking of questions that I am not always sure how to answer. He is also quite practical and after I hesitate for a bit, will come to the answer all on his own (leaving me to wonder why I didn't think of that).
At five years young, Ben has a laugh that is so full and rich it seems like it should belong to someone much older. I count myself lucky in that I hear that laugh frequently. This little boy finds humor everywhere.
Energy seems to be endless for our oldest Beetle. He is busy, busy, busy from sun up until sun down. Sometimes I wonder how he can keep going. My dad jokes that he only needs a ten minute rest or so and his batteries are recharged and he's ready to go again!
This sweet boy of ours is so very kind. Sometimes his kindness pulls at my heart strings and I wonder how we have managed to raise such a beautiful boy. At the beginning of the school year all of the children tie wishes for the year to a tree. At conference time his teachers told me most of the kids wished for silly things, but Ben's wish was: "that we all be friends." Talk about making a mama proud.
At five years old, this little man loves to work. Give him a job and he'll give it his all.
He loves all things construction or "worker-man" like. Our water heater went out at home a while back and for days he went around the house pretending to be the "water heater guy," constructing intricate pipe designs and telling me we were going to have a flood, but not to worry because he would take care of us.
Art, crafts, painting, clay, glue - you name it and he loves it. A day filled with project making would be the best kind of day in his book. He was lucky to spend a lot of time with his grammies over the summer and they both came up with tons of projects for him (which he now stores away like little treasures).
He adores his brother and sister (and at four months old they think pretty highly of him, too!). Along with the little people in his world, his aunties, uncles, grandparents and cousins top his list of favorite people. He often reminisces of time spent with his family and always asks when he gets to see them again.
He is absolutely fearless. We recently went snowtubing with some good friends from college and Ben was busy going down double black diamond runs while I was shaking in my boots. He convinced me to go with him and I told him I would but that I was going to close my eyes the whole way. He told me I couldn't do that "because I would miss all the excitement!"
This little boy lights up my world. I live for his hugs, kisses, laughter and story telling. Happy birthday to my biggest boy...who will always be my baby:)
Pictures from the big five year old's special day (which started our with a water main flood in our road, which was pretty much a birthday present in and of itself for this guy!), followed by arcade games at Chucky Cheese's and cake at home with his brother and sister (complete with party hats for the whole gang)!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
One Year...Part One
Dear Harper and Sam,
One year ago I received a phone call that I'll never forget. It was a nurse calling from my doctor's office. I checked my voicemail from work and heard words I thought I may never hear again: "Jen, I'm calling you today to tell you that you are finally pregnant. Your levels look good, this looks like a healthy pregnancy." My heart skipped a beat (or twenty) and I held it together long enough to excuse myself to find a bathroom where I could weep joyful tears.
Somehow I made it through the rest of the day without telling a soul. Your dad didn't know I was going to the lab that morning. I woke up thinking there was no point to remind him, because if he didn't know then maybe he wouldn't ask the results and then maybe those words I had come all too familiar with saying while holding back tears every month for the last two years wouldn't need to be spoken out loud.
But this time...finally, after lots of tests, shots and procedures I was able to share happy news. News that included tears of a very different kind. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I picked up a card for Dad on my way home from work. It was signed, "love baby Bradley #2." I didn't know you were actually #2 and # 3 yet! Your dad was sitting at the kitchen table, working on a project with Ben. His eyes told me he didn't need a reminder of what the day held. He didn't know what it meant when I handed him the card...after he read it, he looked up at me with the biggest smile ever and said "no way!" I believe my response was: "way!"
Without getting into too much detail it goes without saying that the two of you, along with your big brother are complete miracles. Of course every parent believes this of their children (and rightfully so!), but you kids? My beautiful, precious babies? You are OUR miracles and the sweetest blessings we could ever dream of. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't thank my lucky stars for you.
January 19th, 2012 will be a day I will always remember. It also happens to be the day before Ben's birthday. He wanted so badly to have a baby brother or sister. Little did we know we were about to give him both! And that story will come to you via "One Year...Part Two!"
Your Grateful Mama
One year ago I received a phone call that I'll never forget. It was a nurse calling from my doctor's office. I checked my voicemail from work and heard words I thought I may never hear again: "Jen, I'm calling you today to tell you that you are finally pregnant. Your levels look good, this looks like a healthy pregnancy." My heart skipped a beat (or twenty) and I held it together long enough to excuse myself to find a bathroom where I could weep joyful tears.
Somehow I made it through the rest of the day without telling a soul. Your dad didn't know I was going to the lab that morning. I woke up thinking there was no point to remind him, because if he didn't know then maybe he wouldn't ask the results and then maybe those words I had come all too familiar with saying while holding back tears every month for the last two years wouldn't need to be spoken out loud.
But this time...finally, after lots of tests, shots and procedures I was able to share happy news. News that included tears of a very different kind. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I picked up a card for Dad on my way home from work. It was signed, "love baby Bradley #2." I didn't know you were actually #2 and # 3 yet! Your dad was sitting at the kitchen table, working on a project with Ben. His eyes told me he didn't need a reminder of what the day held. He didn't know what it meant when I handed him the card...after he read it, he looked up at me with the biggest smile ever and said "no way!" I believe my response was: "way!"
Without getting into too much detail it goes without saying that the two of you, along with your big brother are complete miracles. Of course every parent believes this of their children (and rightfully so!), but you kids? My beautiful, precious babies? You are OUR miracles and the sweetest blessings we could ever dream of. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't thank my lucky stars for you.
January 19th, 2012 will be a day I will always remember. It also happens to be the day before Ben's birthday. He wanted so badly to have a baby brother or sister. Little did we know we were about to give him both! And that story will come to you via "One Year...Part Two!"
Your Grateful Mama
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Four Months
seems impossible that four months have gone by. Harper and Sam are less
and less the tiny newborns we brought home from the hospital and more
and more cooing, smiling, healthy infants. Time is flying by and most
days I find myself wishing it would stand still.
thing about raising twins, is that you have to make a
conscious effort to take it all slow down or the days will pass
you by. I want to make sure many years down the road these early days
aren't simply remembered as a blur of feedings, diapers and exhaustion.
So much of what makes up these early days is about
survival, but I want to remember more than those tasks that fill my days
because this time is about so much more.
This time, these's about the babies laughter as they lie on our bed, totally enamored with their big brother while they wait for bath time.
It's the contented sighs as they melt into Chris' arms, completely and totally comforted by his presence.
The way Ben kisses his brother and sister good-bye before heading off to school in the morning and narrates his day upon his return.
It's Ben saying "greetings, Harper. Welcome to Earth."
It's Jake and the Neverland pirates and how Ben has become Jake, Sam Cubby and Harper Izzy.
It's hearing "Ay, Ay Matey" when I ask Ben to put on his school clothes.
It's Sam staring so deep into my eyes while he nurses that I feel he can hear my thoughts.
It's star-gazing on Ben's ceiling before bed at night.
Because amidst the scrambling about of the morning and night time routines, the diaper changes, the spit-up and the half eaten dinners there are moments that must be remembered, because those moments...they are the ones that matter.
This time, these's about the babies laughter as they lie on our bed, totally enamored with their big brother while they wait for bath time.
It's the contented sighs as they melt into Chris' arms, completely and totally comforted by his presence.
The way Ben kisses his brother and sister good-bye before heading off to school in the morning and narrates his day upon his return.
It's Ben saying "greetings, Harper. Welcome to Earth."
It's Jake and the Neverland pirates and how Ben has become Jake, Sam Cubby and Harper Izzy.
It's hearing "Ay, Ay Matey" when I ask Ben to put on his school clothes.
It's Sam staring so deep into my eyes while he nurses that I feel he can hear my thoughts.
It's star-gazing on Ben's ceiling before bed at night.
Because amidst the scrambling about of the morning and night time routines, the diaper changes, the spit-up and the half eaten dinners there are moments that must be remembered, because those moments...they are the ones that matter.
But time marches on, and while I have been busy trying to get it stand still, Harper and Sam have been busy growing like crazy. They had their four month well check in the beginning of January.
Harper's Stats:
11 lbs 10 oz and 23.2 inches long
Sam's Stats:
13 lbs 4 oz and 23. 6 inches long
It looks as though Sam has claimed his place for now as the bigger of the duo. Strangers stop and comment on how much bigger he is than his sister and can't believe that he was the smaller of the two at birth. Speaking of strangers...if you ever want to feel like a celebrity for a couple hours, just take a set of twins to the grocery store or pharmacy and see how many times you get stopped!
The babies have both been in good health and their pediatrician continues to be impressed with their weight gain. They are almost exclusively breastfed. Although they continue to pack on the pounds, they are still somewhat small for their age and their pediatrician has us supplementing with higher calorie preemie formula a few times each week if I seem to run low on milk.
We have been treated with more sleep recently and up until the babies received their four month vaccinations they were pretty much sleeping a solid twelve hours every night. We were pretty fearful to even utter these words out loud for fear of jinxing ourselves! After the longest stretch of consecutive sleep for the three months prior being about two hours (on a good night), we were superstitious to say the least! After Harper and Sam had their four month vaccinations they were out of sorts for a few days and had their first fevers. They also have regressed a bit in the sleep department, but we're hoping with a good routine they get back into their old habits!
Here are the little four month old beetles and the big beet brother:) The last picture of Sam deserves some sort of caption, I am just not witty enough to think of one tonight!
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